Roberto Robles

I'm a


I'm a professional with a passion for using data to drive business decisions. With a strong background in business analysis I have a unique skill set that allows me to tackle complex problems from multiple angles.

Business & Data Analyst.

A business and data analyst, is a professional who uses data analysis and business knowledge to identify opportunities for improving organizational performance.

  • Phone: +593 989562114
  • Region: LATAM
  • email:
  • Time Zone: UTC-5
  • Degree: Master - In Progress
  • Remote: Available


  • Spanish: Native
  • English: B2+

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Soft Skills

Critical Thinking

Analyze complex information and use critical thinking skills to identify problems and potential solutions


Identify problems and come up with creative solutions to resolve them.

Communication Skills

Communicate effectively with stakeholders at all levels of the organization.

Attention to Detail

Close attention to detail to ensure accuracy and completeness of data and analysis

Hard Skills


Exceedingly thorough Data and Business Analyst with 4 years modifying ongoing business processes to achieve superlative results.Experience gathering and organizing user requirements, managing the procedures and documentation required for software development and implementation, ensuring software quality, and managing the development portfolio. Analyzing data and business processes to make data-driven decisions and reporting results. Solid IT business background in quality control and continuous improvement, as well as professional experience for manufacturing and service companies.


Master of Artificial Intelligence (AI)


Universidad de Guayaquil (UG), Ecuador

Online program

Master of Business Administration (MBA)


Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR), Spain

Online program

Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Engineering

2012 - 2017

Escuela Superior Politecnica del Litoral (ESPOL), Ecuador


Bootcamp Front End

Oracle - Alura LATAM

Google BI Specialization

Coursera - Google Career

Python for Everybody Specialization

Coursera - University of Michigan

Google Data Analytics Specialization

Coursera - Google Career

The BI Analyst Course

Udemy - 365 Careers

Data Analysis and BI in Power BI



Professional Experience

Business Systems Analyst

2023 - 2024

Encora Inc, Remote

  • Conducted trainings sessions with clients for the use of the mobile and web applications.
  • Gathered user requirements and followed up their development.
  • Performed usability and performance tests of improvements into pre-production.
  • Analyzed quantitative data and prepared reports on efficiencies and deficiencies.
  • Created scheduled tasks for script execution for tasks such as sending reminders, extracting, debugging, and loading data into the reporting database, among others.

Business & Data Analyst

2021 - 2023

Public Water Company, Ecuador

  • Created a management scorecard for senior management, with indicators and management reports.
  • Led the team in charge of developing an in-house commercial system from the ground up.
  • Created documentation to the development team.
  • Provided user support in the implementation of the new commercial system.
  • Cut the time it took to validate clients’ payments from 4 hours to 30 minutes.

Process Engineer

2021 - 2021

La Vienesa, Ecuador

  • Documented the processes and flows, as well as the improvements that resulted from them.

Business Analyst

2018 - 2020

Reporne S.A., Ecuador

  • Enhanced commercial processes, thereby increasing the global handling capacity of each salesperson by 30%.
  • Oversaw a portfolio of technological integrations with service and financial institutions.
  • Responsible of generating documentation and the improvement of procedures and processes.
  • Guaranteed the quality of the IT department's development by implementing QA tests.


  • All
  • Web Development
  • Data Analysis


Process Analysis

Aimed to help organizations gain a holistic view of their operational processes, identify areas for optimization, and implement targeted improvements to drive efficiency, productivity, and business performance.

Data Visualization

Transforming data into actionable insights, enabling organizations to make informed decisions, uncover hidden patterns, and communicate complex information effectively.

Front-end web development

Creation and implementation of elements of a website or web application using several languages like javascript and python.

UI/UX designs

Creating intuitive and visually appealing interfaces for websites, mobile applications, and other digital products to optimize user satisfaction, ease of use, and overall engagement.

Business Cases

Provides organizations with a systematic and data-driven approach to evaluate new projects or business decisions. It helps stakeholders assess the feasibility and benefits, identify potential risks, and make well-informed choices that align with the organization's strategic objectives and deliver optimal outcomes.

Project Management

Ensures projects are executed efficiently, effectively, and with optimal results. Providing a structured framework to guide teams, manage resources, mitigate risks, and deliver projects on time, within budget, and according to stakeholders' expectations.



Guayaquil, Guayas, ECU

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